The Food Product Development
Online Program

Give us twelve months and your cooperation

and together, we’ll give you a safe and innovative way to develop a new food product that will have no trouble getting off the shelf!

Saint Ma

You’ve been considering your food product idea for a while now… but somehow, the time has never been “right” to test it.

I believe you came to this page for a reason.

If you think about it, it’s probably because you’re quite sure you have an idea that will sell…

… but you haven’t quite got the knowledge or the means necessary to bring that idea to fruition.

You’ve been in touch with plenty of consumers… and right now, you feel like it would be a crime not to put your sophisticated understanding of their needs to good use.

There’s limitless opportunity in innovative development.


You’ve probably seen other businesses have been developing new products in the food industry – foods that aren’t half as good as what you have in mind – that are selling fast and catching many eyes in the process.

They’re leveraging an integrated food safety management system to focus on developing delicious products that satisfy the food safety requirements and the taste buds of their consumers.

And that’s empowering them to separate themselves from the pack with an untarnished food brand.

That’s what combining food safety with innovation can do for you.

So why isn’t YOUR food product idea a reality yet?

“I don’t have a development process.”

Bringing your new food product to the saturated food markets of today takes a LOT of work.

You need to systematically scrutinize everything from the market requirements and product feasibility to consumer needs and ingredients.

Doing all these steps in the development process right takes time, effort, and the RIGHT knowledge. Without consulting an experienced professional with an impressive track record… you can easily find yourself running in circles, getting nowhere.

“I don’t want to invest in food safety”

Developing high-quality food is of little use when you lack the evidence to prove it’s also safe. Customers are all too aware of the health risks posed by unsafe food.

There’s no better way to show your credibility as a food producer than to acquire a food safety certificate from an accredited certification body.

Thanks to social media, a single food safety code violation can damage your brand. So you’ll be looking over your shoulder constantly if you introduce an unsafe product to the market.

“I don’t know if the product will sell”

New food products are constantly being developed to meet the changing needs of consumers and to reflect/incorporate the technological advancements occurring within the food industry.

With an ever-increasing supply of new foods on the market, it’s not easy to stay relevant. Innovation is the KEY to creating a sustained advantage in today’s homogenized and saturated food markets.

It’s about balancing the technicalities with good marketing strategies.

The Food Product Development Online Program
gets you there in just 16 weeks.

Once enrolled, the weight on your shoulders will immediately start to feel lighter.

That’s because you’ll know you’re only months away from developing an exciting
new product that combines innovation with science.

Imagine turning what used to be just food for thought into food that gets bought.

I’ve packaged the three loves of my life 


into a COMPLETE Food Product Development System that opens up new global markets and increases profits.

How is The Food Product Development Program
different from other programs?

Most existing and aspiring food business owners – even the ones with a large amount of capital at their disposal – usually believe food product development can be done by out-competing the market.

For example, they will throw money at making an already in-demand product taste better but won’t pay much attention to making the production process safer.

On The Food Product Development Program, you’re getting everything.

As in, the keys to a fully marketable food product development system you can implement to access global markets, earn customer trust, and create an international food brand.

No need to allocate funds to lengthy research and development – I’m giving you over fifteen years of experience in food product development and safety to save time!

I’ve separated The Food Product Development Online Program into three stages to make the process as smooth as possible:

Stage 1: Decide

We’ll be brainstorming all the relevant ideas you’ve had regarding the food product you want to develop, discussing all the salient consumer requirements we need to satisfy to succeed, and determining the feasibility of various product concepts concerning the resources, capabilities, and competition you have. That will help us ultimately settle on a profitable product to develop.

Stage 2: Define 

In this part of the program, we’ll be zoning in on a prototype to define the product formula in terms of the ingredients that go into it and test the acceptability and safety of the product with pragmatic testing plans that will inform the next stages in our development process. That will allows us to tweak the product before going into production.

Stage 3: Deploy

In this last stage, we’ll conduct a sensory analysis using customer preferences for color, flavor, texture, etc. to evaluate your food quality and safety status across the board, which will involve collecting evidence of conformity. That will allow us to highlight areas that may be lacking and enable us to finalize the fine details of the formula, packaging and distribution, production scheduling, shipping, storage, and promotion functions.

And here’s one more reason:

Most food consultants only help you with the research aspect to define which food product sells while doing little to help you develop, package, and market your product. That means developing an in-demand product could take you months or even years longer than it needs to.

There’s no need to take things slow – you can start the program now and fast-track your chances of developing an exciting new food product to build the brand and grow much quicker.

You won’t even have to pull your own weight.

If you’re not familiar with food product development (or just don’t want to spend all your time in operations),
our professional team can “take it from here”. That saves you time and effort that would
otherwise be spent in identifying where the holes are in your process, getting the right training for
your team to plug those holes, and going through the motions of trial and error.

And I’ll be carefully guiding you through each step personally. Here’s my offer:

ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: When you join The Food Product Development Program, I’ll uncover your aspirations through a one-on-one onboarding call where I’ll get to learn everything about you, the reason you want to develop a new food product, and how this program can help you achieve your goals effectively.

That will also allow you to clear any doubts, so make sure to ask as many questions as you like.
I’m here to ensure you extract the most value out of your investment!

Bottom line – Through a learning management system you and your teams can access at any time for one year,
you’ll have everything you need to develop a highly desirable food product…
with little risk of failure and relatively low capital expenditure!

That means you’ll be able to create a lucrative food business around your product in a shorter period…
and with all the hard work already done for you.

How is The Food Product Development Program structured?

The online program includes seven practical and hands-on steps carried out over twelve months. I’ll focus on your teams’ progress through one-hour calls every two weeks to coach your teams along your development journey faster.

You and your teams will have access to the online resources for twelve months, recorded training sessions, coaching calls, and my industry network to make developing an unforgettable food product even easier!

Step 1:
Defining The Product Idea

In this step, I’ll help you discover what the consumer trends are and how they relate to your target market’s needs.

Our focus will be on examining the products that are already on the market, and their selling prices, to determine if you can produce a product for a profit.

Ultimately, we’ll finalize a product idea, target audience, and sales strategy.

Step 2:

This step will help you determine if the product can be made with the technology available to you and which process you need to go through accordingly.

It will depend on factors like the need for new equipment, availability of raw materials all year round, and your ability to produce according to the regulatory requirements.

All that will go into creating your product brief.

Step 3: Prototyping and Defining The Product Formula  

The purpose of this step will be to explore the process of creating a prototype for your food product.

That will involve considerations such as how much of each raw ingredient you need to use, what sequence the raw materials should be added in, and what processing parameters (temperature, time, etc.) you need to consider.

That will yield your product formula.

Step 4:

This step is about one of the most critical parts of food product development – product testing.

I’ll help you conduct organoleptic/sensory tests and laboratory tests to give you an indication of how likely the product is to be accepted by consumers and relevant authorities.

These tests will allow us to outline very clear product specifications and testing plans to move forward.

Step 5: Food Safety 

Step 5 will cover the procedures involved with ensuring food safety throughout the development process.

We’ll need to develop your understanding of the food safety hazards in raw materials, processes, and final products.

We can then draft the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan for your new product.

Step 6: Final Adjustments (Sell like Crazy) 

This step will bring us to the critical phase of the food product development process.

We’ll be measuring your product against criteria to gauge how well it will sell. That will involve giving out free samples, test selling, asking for feedback, and product adjustments.

After that, the product will be ready for launch.

Step 7: Testing Shelf Life

In step 7, we’re going to test your product’s shelf life before concluding the product development journey.

That will be through sampling and sample retention, regular testing, and recording. The organoleptic and lab testing program will also be re-emphasized so we can finalize the shelf life and give you a Shelf Life Testing Report.

You’ll have access to ALL of the program content and training recordings for ONE FULL YEAR, including:

Online Resources

I have a lot of insider resources to jumpstart your learning and save you time and frustration.

Online Training Recordings

All the training I’ll be conducting will be recorded for your convenience. That will accelerate your learning by enabling you to review what you need when you need it.

Coaching Call Recordings

You can access all coaching recordings on our learning management system whenever you feel stuck or need to refresh your memory!

“But is The Food Product Development Program for me, Saint?”

As you can expect, food product development is a systematic process that involves many
steps along the way, so you can’t progress by skipping any step.

This program will require a considerable amount of your time and effort.
That’s why you should get clear on whether it’s the right move for you:

This program isn’t the best thing for you IF:

  • Your food product already has a foothold in the market

  • You have everything you need to develop an in-demand food product that satisfies all food safety requirements

  • You’re satisfied with your current food business and have no intention of diversifying into new product lines
  • Your customers trust you and have little to no complaints about your product safety and quality
  • It’s not the right time for you to invest your money and time in safe food product development due to more pressing priorities that affect your business’ survival

But it’s DEFINITELY the best thing for you IF:

  • You have a food product idea but don’t know how to commercialize it

  • You need help to ensure the product you develop is desired by consumers and meets all the food safety standards in the market

  • Your products aren’t getting the recognition they deserve for various reasons including a lack of food safety management practices and ingredient specialization

  • You’re facing a rising number of customer complaints regularly, and that’s eroding trust in your food brand

  • You’re ready to invest in an efficient Food Product Development Program to grow your brand and expand the business

“YES, Saint! I’m ready to develop a globally recognized food product – it’s time to get the recognition I deserve!”


I’m delighted that you’ve decided to make the best investment in your business. I can hardly wait to greet you on our onboarding call!

Saint Yi Htet