The Food Safety Foundation
Online Program

Give us twelve months and your commitment

and together, we’ll give you a highly desirable food business by spotlighting and optimizing your food safety management practices so you can stay audit-ready every day!

Saint Ma

You’ve been delivering high-quality food products for some time now… but somehow, there are still markets you haven’t reached.

I believe you came to this page for a reason.

If you think about it, it’s probably because you already know the food business better than most…

… but you haven’t got the recognition or the rewards to show for it.

You offer in-demand products to plenty of buyers… and right now, you feel like you’re not profiting as much as you should.

There’s limitless wealth in implementing food safety.

You’ve probably seen others in your industry – businesses with half of your expertise growing fast despite facing an increasing number of safety hazards.

They’re leveraging an integrated food safety culture to create a sustainable and effective system that maintains food safety all the time.

And that’s empowering them to stay on top of any vulnerabilities they might have to prevent customer complaints and create an untarnished food brand that sells.

That’s what a strong food safety culture can do for you.

So why isn’t YOUR brand getting the recognition it should?

“I don’t know how to satisfy stringent market requirements.”

Stepping into new markets with your food products takes a LOT of due diligence if you’re going it alone.

You need to systematically scrutinize everything from your operational processes to ingredient sourcing practices.

Complying with all these requirements and regulations takes time, effort, and the RIGHT knowledge. Without consulting an experienced professional with an impressive track record… you can easily find yourself running in circles, getting nowhere.

“I don’t want to
invest in
food safety”

Having high-quality food is of little use when you lack the evidence to prove it’s also safe. Customers are all too aware of the health risks posed by unsafe food.

There’s no better way to show your capability than to acquire a food safety certificate from an accredited certification body. That will also help you step up your team capacity to produce more efficiently and capture more value.

With the prevalence of social media, a single food safety code violation can severely damage your brand. So without investing in an effective Food Safety Management System, you’ll be operating the business while constantly looking over your shoulder.

“I don’t have
right culture!”

There are countless “food business owners” who have food safety certificates but don’t practice food safety on the ground.

It’s no wonder their businesses don’t get the benefit from what’s surely a considerable investment in food safety.

If your staff and stakeholders are not integrated into a food safety culture that permeates from the ground up, it will be almost impossible to maintain a good food safety standard and create a high-quality brand.

The Food Safety Foundation Online Program gets
you there in just 52 weeks.

Enroll anytime!

Once enrolled, the weight on your shoulders will immediately start to feel lighter.

That’s because you’ll know you’re only months away from implementing a self-supporting Food Safety Management System and establishing a highly sought-after brand.

It’s like hooking your products up to the world’s biggest microphone and letting them speak for themselves.

I’ve packaged the three loves of my life 


into a COMPLETE Food Safety Management System that leads to new global markets and increased profits.

How is the Food Safety Foundation program
different from other programs?

Most food businesses – even the ones with large chunks of the market share – usually believe
food safety implementation can be done by assigning the task to a quality manager.

For example, they will send staff for food safety training but won’t make any effort to ensure
they consistently maintain the high safety standards required by accreditation bodies.

On the Food Safety Foundation program, you’re getting everything.

As in, the keys to a fully marketable Food Safety Management System you can implement to
access previously restricted markets, improve customer trust, and increase sales on a global scale.

No need to allocate funds to train your staff on food safety every quarter
I’m giving you over fifteen years of experience in food safety consulting!

I’ve separated the FOOD SAFETY FOUNDATION online program
into four stages to make the process as smooth as possible:

Stage 1: Assessment

We’ll be conducting a structured gap analysis to help you see your current food safety status. That will be the precursor to setting up your food safety goals around those gaps and your vision for where you want the business to be. By the end of this stage, we’ll have co-created a detailed implementation plan.

Stage 2:

This stage consists of eight modules that will empower you or your food safety team leader to educate your staff with critical knowledge and skills. The modules cover leading a food safety culture, reducing food safety risks, providing smooth operation flows, preventing cross-contamination, sourcing materials and services, preventing brand reputation damage, communicating food safety internally and externally, and preventing intentional contamination of foods.

Stage 3: Coaching

You’ll master the nuts and bolts of food safety adherence through face-to-face coaching sessions that will provide you and your food safety team with valuable feedback on the application of food safety knowledge. The goal will be to monitor your progress at regular intervals to ensure continuous improvement.

Stage 4: Verification

In this last stage, we’ll be doing systematic self-audits to evaluate your food safety status across the board, which will involve collecting evidence of conformity. That will allow us to highlight areas that may be lacking and enable us to follow up until closure. You’ll then be ready to acquire the foundation-level certificate. Those in need of a higher-level certificate can also take advantage of my one-on-one food safety consultation services. Please refer to section 12.

And here’s one more reason:

Most food consultants only extract you out of your pains to help you get back on track. That means it could take you months or even years to get a definitive edge over your competition in the industry… and it will likely involve a lot of trial and error.

There’s no need to take things slow – you can start the program now and fast-track your chances of surviving stringent policies and raising the bar on food safety to build the brand and grow much quicker.

You won’t even have to pull your own weight.

If you’re not familiar with implementing food safety in your management system
(or just don’t want to spend all your time in operations), our professional team can

“take it from here”. That saves you time and effort in identifying where the holes are in your
food safety practices, training your team to plug those holes, coaching them to ensure the holes remain
plugged andgetting verified by a third party to get the food safety certificate.

And I’ll be carefully guiding you through each step personally. Here’s my offer:

ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: When you join the Food Safety Foundation program, I’ll uncover your
business needs through a one-on-one onboarding call where I’ll get to learn everything about you,
your pain points, and how this program can help you address them effectively.

That will also allow you to clear any doubts, so make sure to ask as many questions as you like.
I’m here to ensure you extract the most value out of your investment!

Bottom line – Through a learning management system your teams can access at any time for one year, you’ll have everything you need to grow the business exponentially… with little risk of failure and relatively low capital expenditure!

That means you’ll reach your goal in a shorter period… and with all the hard work already done for you.

How is the Food Safety Foundation program structured?

The online program includes twenty-three lessons carried out over eight modules your staff need to attend eight times. I’ll focus on your teams’ progress through one-hour calls every two modules to coach your teams along your learning journey faster.

You and your teams will have access to the online course for twelve months, recorded training sessions, four coaching calls (one hour each), and my industry network to make building an unforgettable food brand even easier!

Module 1:
How to Lead and Nurture a
Food Safety Culture to
Stay Audit-ready

In this module, I’ll help you understand why food safety implementation isn’t a one-off process.

Our focus will be on managing food safety responsibilities in the business and ensuring food safety is maintained while applying innovation in operations.

You’ll learn how to stay audit-ready every single day, not just when you expect there to be an audit.

Module 2:
How to Reduce Food Safety Risks
from the External Environment

This module will highlight all the safety risks you could face from your external environment.

They could be in the construction and layout of the building or the utilities like air, water, electricity, etc.

Any successful food business must ensure equipment suitability, cleaning, and maintenance to minimize such risks at any given point in time.

Module 3: How to Create Smooth Flows of Products, Materials, and People per Global Food Safety Standards 

The purpose of this module will be to shift focus to your flows and underlying management processes relating to those flows.

I’ll explain how the flows of products, materials, and people should be optimized so they meet global food safety standards.

That will also involve scrutinizing the current traffic patterns of your products and materials.

Module 4:
How to

This module is about one of the most critical parts of food safety implementation – preventing cross-contamination.

I’ll point out the major sources of cross-contamination that pose a threat to your business.

These include cross-contamination from waste disposal, pests, personnel.

We’ll cover prevention, control, cleaning, sanitizing, and hygiene.

Module 5:
How to Source
and Manage Purchased Materials and Services 

Module 5 will cover the procedures involved with sourcing and managing purchased materials and services.

We’ll need to dive into supplier management, receiving, and specifications from the transaction side of things.

Then, we’ll also need to explore warehousing and ways to prevent non-conformities.

Module 6:
How to Prevent
Brand Reputation Damage by Minimizing Non-conformities  

This module will focus on the most important facet of your business in brand reputation management.

I’ll explain why minimizing non-conformities to prevent damage to your brand reputation will be the key to sustained brand growth.

We’ll analyze your product recall and withdrawals and customer complaints.

Module 7:
How to Communicate Food Safety
Internally and Externally  

In module 7, I’ll give your practical and tactical ways to communicate food safety both internally in your business and externally to all your stakeholders.

That will involve product information and raising consumer awareness through various strategies.

You’ll need to learn how to train staff and everyone involved in the food production process.

Module 8:
How to Prevent
Intentional Contamination of Foods 

Finally, as we come to the end of the self-paced learning section of this course, we’ll focus on protecting your business.

That will cover intentional damage to your business from food fraud, and how to reduce the possibility of that happening now and in the future.

You’ll learn about food defense, bio-vigilance, and the newest acts of bioterrorism.

You’ll have access to ALL of the course content and training recordings for
ONE FULL YEAR, including:

Online Resources

I have a lot of insider resources to jumpstart your learning and save you time and frustration.

Online Training Recordings

All the training I’ll be conducting will be recorded for your convenience. That will accelerate your learning by enabling you to review what you need when you need it.

Coaching Call Recordings

You can access all coaching recordings on our learning management system whenever you feel stuck or need to refresh your memory!

“But is the Food Safety Foundation program for me, Saint?”

As you can expect, food safety is a systematic process that involves many steps along the way,
so you can’t progress by skipping any step.

This program will require a considerable amount of your time and effort.
That’s why you should get clear on whether it’s the right move for you:

This program isn’t the best thing for you IF:

  • You’re 100% sure your infrastructure is located in a prime location and built to the proper standard

  • You have no need to consider the threat of cross-contamination because your products are sheltered and protected
  • You’re satisfied with your team and how they adhere to food safety practices
  • Your customers trust you and have little to no complaints about your product safety and quality
  • It’s not the right time for you to invest your money and time in food safety due to more pressing priorities that affect your business’ survival

But it’s DEFINITELY the best thing for you IF:

  • There’s room to improve your infrastructural outlook (factory location, materials used, etc.) to help you meet food safety requirements
  • You recognize the damage cross-contamination could inflict on your business and brand and would like to prevent it

  • Your team doesn’t always practice food safety correctly, and there are tendencies for incidences such as product mix-ups and wrong packaging.

  • You’re facing a rising number of customer complaints regularly, and that’s eroding trust in your business

  • You’re ready to invest in an efficient Food Safety Management System to grow your brand and expand the business

You’ve been incredibly patient so far.
But the wait is over. Let’s put your food business on the map!

The time for frustrations is behind you. Right now, a choice lies ahead of you.

You can either keep playing it small while relying on off-the-shelf
food safety implementation with no plan to fetch returns in mind.

Or you can choose to lead the change you wish to see in your business by taking advantage
of this opportunity to access worldwide markets through certification.

There’s no right or wrong answer, but only one of these roads will lead to your goal.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so don’t hesitate to take it.

Click the button below to enroll in the Health, Hygiene, and Handling for F&B Businesses Online Program now:

“YES, Saint! I’m ready to elevate my brand to a globally recognized standard – it’s time to get the recognition I deserve!”

CLICK to book a strategy call

I’m delighted that you’ve decided to make the best investment in your business. I can hardly wait to greet you on our onboarding call!

Saint Yi Htet